About Eden

Eden Children's Village was started in 1999 in Doma, Zimbabwe, Africa. Eden exists to provide holistic, quality care for orphaned children in Zimbabwe. Eden is a school, medical clinic, farm, and orphanage. Eden's mission is to share Christ's love through meeting real life, everyday needs.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Masowe Meeting #3

Greetings Everyone!
So sorry it's taken this long to get the update and thank you to you all for the prayers you lifted up on the night of FIND DATE when we last asked for prayer as I went to a Masowe meeting.

It was a Saturday and that is time that we always set aside for time with Jesus, unwilling to use the day for much of anything except for our children and meeting with the Almighty. As I was praying that morning, God clearly put one of our employees at Eden, Angela Katsiri, on my mind to go and pray for her. She had been suffering with really bad hip and sciatic pain. I didn't think much of it, but thought I would go before the Masowe meeting.

So, we spent the day in a sense of anticipation and asking Jesus to move in some way at the Masowe meeting to show His power and supremacy over the "spirits" that the Masowe "priests/prophets" are using. We had a really good day as a family and toward sunset I prepared to head to the meeting.

I invited and picked up two of the boys whom I am discipling at the moment and we went to pray for Angela. We entered her little house with 8 people living in it and greeted everyone. I shared with her that I had come pray for her. We prayed over her sciatic pain and it started to decrease. We prayed about 5 times and then she was completely free from pain and even ran to our car when we left!  She was so overjoyed that Jesus would come and give her the grace of relief from pain! Since that day, Angela has called me to pray with the sick twice, both instances expressing her faith that Jesus hears pray and answers. She's not ready to pray herself yet, but she's getting closer to believing that there is no special, magic power in our prayers! Her faith has grown tremendously through this experience.

While we were at Angela's house, her aunt, a very elderly woman, was there and the family asked us to pray for her, too, as she was in an accident 5 year earlier and has had leg pain and weakness in her legs ever since. There was no prognosis for improvement or change from a medical perspective. So, we prayed, and this time I asked my two discipleship boys to pray because I wanted the family to see that there was nothing special about me or my prayers, but Jesus was the one doing the healing! So, we prayed for this year old lady and God took all the pain from her legs. Then she told us she had lots of chest pain and tightness. We prayed for her chest pain and she was healed from that too! She left for her home a week later and told the boys that she had been challenged by a young man to throw her cane away the day before we prayed for her and she had said, "No, I will need the cane forever." She went home WITHOUT the cane and declaring Jesus' praise for her strength and restore health!

So, we left for the Masowe meeting extremely encouraged and uplifted by Jesus' faithfulness and kindness to us and Angela! How powerful, that He would answer our little prayers for "non-essential" healing!

We arrived a little late (9:30pm) and the Masowe were already in some kind of ritual to "cleanse" the Mudiwa family farm from "bad spirits." We arrived with the groups of men and women separated by a large fire and about 10 feet. The people were all quietly praying and singing the common Masowe songs, welcoming various spirits to come and meet with them that night. I was filled with so much joy because I felt absolutely no danger, no fear and no sense that anything at that place could do anything to us! We were filled with Jesus' Spirit and those demonic spirit knew they couldn't do anything about it! After about 15 minutes of prayer, they welcomed us and began the normal service part of the Masowe service. One of the "prophets" said he saw that God was with us in a mighty army of chariots and that all we did would prosper in His hand. We were already confident, but now their "prophet" is declaring the truth that Jesus was there to share His fame, to proclaim His name and nothing could stand in His way!

So, the service began with songs and a woman started manifesting a demon, shaking violently and knee walking up to the area near the fire so she could be prayed for. The leaders prayed for her for a few minutes and nothing was happening. I felt a stirring in my heart and motioned to one of the other leaders, saying with my hands, "Can I go pray for her?" They said yes, so I went across the way and laid my hand on her head and began to tell the demonic spirit to leave her in Jesus' name. The fire was SO hot on the women's side the my skin was literally being roasted while praying for her for the minute or so that I was there, but the spirit came out of her quickly. Jesus worked powerfully and quickly to liberate his daughter, created to know Him and embrace His love and grace. Later in the service, they called me over to pray for another woman, but I had no idea what was wrong in her life, they just asked me to pray for her. I wasn't sure what to pray, but I did pray anyway, that Jesus would be revealed to her. As the Masowe leader who was praying with her was about to leave, I noticed he was limping. I immediately felt the Spirit wanted me to pray for his healing. We returned to the men's side and this man was directly to my right. Someone started another song and I asked the man what had happened to his knee? He said he was injured playing soccer that day and was really in pain. I knelt down to pray for his knee, laid my hands on both the front and back of his knee and began to pray. As I was praying, the Spirit brought the word "meniscus" to my mind, so I prayed for complete healing and restoration of the meniscus and I felt the man's knee bounce or shake in my hands. I looked up to a very astonished face as Jesus had just confirmed His gospel and love to his man who lives in such deception and fear. He looked to a friend and told him the He had just been healed and then he started dancing with all his might all round the fire! That song lasted a long time. My heart was filled with praise because Jesus was revealing Himself to the Masowe of Doma, people that He loves and died to save!

A short time later they allowed me to preach, for 25-30 minutes with only one interruption! The Masowe don't usually do that. They will listen until they don't like something and then they will start singing. 3 songs and you are done preaching, so you gotta make your songs count! I preached the Gospel, I preached it boldly, straight forward and uncompromising and they received it well, until I said that we are not called in Christ to continue communicating with the dead (one of the backbones of Masowe faith, and African Traditional Religion). So, they sang a song to Mary, after I told them that Mary would tell them to stop praying to her if she could come back! And after that, God was finished speaking through me, so I offered Bibles so everyone could see for themselves that the Spirit of God and Word of God are not in contradiction and that we desperately need both! We left 20-25 Bible with the Masowe who were there but they notified me that they needed 40 more the next week. We are out of Bibles, having given away about 2200 in the past two years to churches and lost souls alike. Pray with us for funds to buy 1,000 Shona Bibles at $8 each!

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement in the Lord! It was a powerful time and Jesus gave us a tremendous door for witness and outreach to share His love and to live among the Masowe without being scared or weirded out by their strange customs. As we were leaving, the leader of the meeting asked us to come and pray for his wife (who wasn't at the meeting) because she had had a baby and was not lactating well to feed the baby. We went the next day and prayed, but she wasn't healed immediately. We need to follow up and see where this man is in faith and if his wife was healed. He is a person of peace and we are eager to begin studying God's Word with him and watch Christ become revealed as Lord to his heart! Please keep praying for us. God is opening doors rapidly and in powerful ways.

Please be in prayer, we have a meeting on December 7th with the leader of all Masowe in the world. I desire to sit and exalt Jesus Christ with this man. I sense he is a person who God is moving in already. Please pray with us for that meeting and the powerful work of God's Spirit in "mutumwa."

Blessings to you all!
Read the Word, believe what your Lord says, and live by the Spirit! It is SO wonderful and life-filled. Not dead, wooden or stagnant at all. God has genuinely abundant life for you in Christ Jesus. Pursue it, obey His Words and see what will happen. You'll find quickly that He's alive and still loves to do might works for His glory on the earth.

Ian Fry

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